Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jamie vs. the Treadmill Part II - Safety Briefing

Our Safety Officer here at work felt the need to remind me how to safely run on a treadmill:

1) "Don't Monkey with your iPod, Walkman, Zen MP3, running shorts, singlet, sports bra, heart monitor etc. without first, at bare minimum, stepping on the platforms on either side of the spinning treadmill mat."

--- OK, got it! I usually do that, but never was so distracted while changing tunes on my iPOD. In fact, the issue this morning was with my earbuds....the cords are so freaking long (I was in the process of tucking them in when the treadmill tripped me {arms crossed/pouty face} humpf!!). Does anyone have any suggestions for a great pair of earbuds that don't have a ridiculously long cord? I always have to try and tuck some of the excess cord under my arm band. I've gone through 2-3 sets so far and have yet to find one that doesn't drive me nutso!

2) "Connect the emergency stop magnetic strip lanyard to your clothing so in the event that you lose your footing the treadmill will not suck you inside. Treadmills are like belt sanders if you lay up against them while spinning with no way to reach the stop switch if you are hung up. Would you believe that people have been strangled by getting clothing stuck in the treadmill after falling."

--- Does anyone actually use that lanyard thing? I know I've always felt way too cool to strap the bright red EMERGENCY strap to my clothing, I would never need it. LOL. Lesson learned. Treadmill score 1, Jamie score 0.

3) "Sleep later. You are way to groggy to do PT by yourself that early in the morning. That is why you have formation runs in the Army, so no one gets lost."

--- OK, first of all I don't have many options when I work 40+ hours a week. And second of all I'm not in the Army anymore. Maybe I was sleepy. But when am I supposed to sneak in running and Bodypump classes other than the butt crack of dawn? My hubby is sweet enough to take the boys to daycare/school Tuesday and Friday mornings so I can get my classes in before work leaving my evenings free and clear for family time. I also lift and take spin class with my hubby twice a week. The other times I fit in running: after 8pm two nights a week with my neighborhood running buddy (we're like night running ninjas circling the neighborhood under the cloak of darkness just to get our runs in- Thanks Lara!); and my SMR team, 6am Saturday mornings with SMR (before the kids are awake), and I usually sprinkle a run or two here and there throughout the week during my lunch break or at the very end of my day before heading home. My boss gives us up to 3 hours a week for physical fitness, so I'm starting to get better at taking advantage of the blessing of having time to work out at work.

Moral of my story, please be careful on the treadmill and use that emergency strappy thingy (would have saved me a few layers of skin)! I still probably won't use the strap, just be more cognizant of what I'm doing while the treadmill is in motion, i.e. super duper sprint mode. Should have been a no-brainer to slow it down...guess I really was sleepy? How am I going to explain that scar (I'm sure it will scar) to folks? "Hi, I'm Jamie and I'm a klutz and fell off a treadmill scarring myself for life." It is my hope that there won't be a 'Jamie vs. the Treadmill Part III!'

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