Monday, March 3, 2008

Astavita Rocks!

Okay, I am not a fan of supplements. I figure we can get most of what we really need from food and don't like to put anything that's not food in my body. I don't even like taking Tylenol unless I seriously am in pain.

But I am trying to increase my mileage. My son was born almost 4 months ago and as I increase my mileage, I can feel that I am still not back to normal. I was planning to be running in the 30s for mileage per week by now, but I am still only in the lower and mid 20s. I had to revise my schedule due to my body starting to feel like I was pushing it too hard and I definitely do NOT want to get injured. I am training for the VA Beach Shamrock Half Marathon (just to complete it) and did a long run about a week ago and was pretty sore afterwards and took a couple of the Astavita supplements along with Advil. And I felt AMAZINGLY better. I chalked it up to coincidence, or maybe that it was just in my head, and didn't take it again. Yesterday I ran my final long run before the race...11 miles. Instead of driving to our downtown area, which is pretty flat and good for long runs, I decided to run where we live and ran 11 miles on some very large hills. I finished late afternoon and was having trouble walking, I was so sore. I'm normally sore the day after a long run, but it was ridiculous how much I hurt. So I decided to try that Asavita again. And I just woke up. And....WOW! Nothing hurts! I'm not even a little bit sore! I feel like I could run again this morning! I decided to walk again and to run tonight instead, just as a precaution. But I am so impressed with this stuff! And it couldn't have come along at a better time. I am hoping the 90 day supply we recieved will get me through the post partum training period until my body has adjusted to how much I want it to train. And I've decided I am not against supplements if they work that amazingly well and can keep me doing one of my favorite things in the world....running.

Thank you, Astavita!

Maybe if I can increase my mileage and actually lose the last bunch of baby weight that seems determined never to leave, I may even fit into that cute little race shirt they gave to us. Until then, I will have to pin it on as a race number. :)

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